general liability insurance wisconsin

Wisconsin General Liability Insurance: Secure Your Business with Comprehensive Coverage

Over 99% of Wisconsin businesses are small. With more than 448,000 small businesses employing 1.2 million residents, Wisconsin(General Liability Insurance Wisconsin) is a fantastic place for your small business to thrive. But how do you keep your business safe. The answer lies in the right insurance. This article will break down what Wisconsin requires for insurance and explore additional business insurance policies to ensure your business is well-protected.

Insurance Required in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, if you have a business with three or more employees, it’s a state requirement to have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance is essential for coverage if an employee faces a work-related injury or illness. It ensures that medical expenses are covered, and a portion of lost wages is compensated until the employee can return to work. This mandate underscores the importance of safeguarding both employers and employees in the event of workplace accidents or health issues.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

You have several options to meet Wisconsin’s workers’ compensation insurance requirements. You can either become self-insured if you meet the qualifications or opt for coverage from a private insurance company.

Workers’ compensation occurs if an employee gets injured or falls ill due to a work-related situation. It covers their medical expenses and compensates for some of the wages they lose until they can return to work. As a business owner, having this coverage not only supports your employees but also reduces the risk of facing lawsuits in case of workplace accidents. It’s a practical way to ensure protection for your team and business.

Types of Wisconsin Business Insurance

Small business owners in Wisconsin should consider adding a few key business insurance coverages for extra protection.

Wisconsin General Liability Insurance

Wisconsin doesn’t require businesses to have general liability insurance. However, we strongly suggest it for all business owners. Because general liability insurance is both thorough and reasonably priced. Typically, it covers: [continue with the specifics].

Third-party bodily injury: Covers medical bills for individuals injured on your property.

Third-party property damage: Pays for replacing or repairing third-party items damaged on your property.

Personal and advertising injury: Protects against slander, libel, or copyright infringement accusations. Your insurance company provides legal representation and covers legal costs in case of a lawsuit.

Accidents are inevitable, so ensuring you have proper coverage is crucial. General liability insurance is an excellent choice for commercial protection. Reach out to an agent today to obtain a quote for coverage.

Commercial Property Insurance

If your Wisconsin business owns or leases a physical location like an office building, it’s wise to consider commercial property insurance. It is also known as business property insurance. This coverage safeguards assets such as your building, furniture, inventory, and equipment from various risks. Covered perils typically include vandalism, theft, fire, and storm damage.

However, it’s important to note that most insurance companies don’t cover damage from flooding. So, if your business is in a flood-prone area, purchasing a separate flood insurance policy is advisable. Without this coverage, you risk shouldering the entire repair bill if your business is affected by flood damage.

General liability insurance Wisconsin: Business Owners’ Policy

If you want to meet your business insurance needs in Wisconsin, a business owners’ policy (BOP) is an excellent choice. It’s a package deal that insurance carriers offer to small businesses, providing a cost-effective way to get the coverage your business requires.

A standard BOP typically includes property, general liability, and business interruption insurance. Some specialized insurance companies might even add extra coverage options to a BOP, tailoring them to address risks specific to your industry. It’s a convenient and customized way for small businesses in Wisconsin to secure the coverage they need.

Business Interruption Insurance

If a covered event damages your property and you can’t operate your business, business interruption insurance shields you from financial losses. This crucial coverage assists in covering essential expenses like payroll and lease payments while reimbursing a portion of lost profits. It’s worth noting that many lenders and leaseholders often mandate this insurance policy, underscoring its importance in securing your financial well-being during challenging times.

general liability insurance wisconsin

General Liability Insurance Wisconsin: Commercial Auto Insurance

If you use vehicles for your business in Wisconsin, it’s a must to have commercial auto insurance, whether you own or lease the car. This type of insurance covers various aspects, including third-party bodily injury, property damage, personal injury protection, comprehensive and collision coverage, and uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

Wisconsin businesses must have a minimum of $50,000 in auto coverage per accident to handle claims in case of injuries. Additionally, the policy should include $10,000 in coverage for property damage.

If you already have a personal auto policy, check with your insurance agent to confirm if it covers business use. Many commercial auto policies exclude accidents that occur while you are working, so it’s better to ensure you have the right coverage in place.

General Liability Insurance Wisconsin: Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance or malpractice insurance in certain industries, is a crucial protection for your business. It comes into play if you’re accused of professional negligence, missed deadlines, errors in your work, incomplete tasks, or even libel or slander, similar to what general liability insurance covers.

In the event of a lawsuit, professional liability insurance may provide you with legal representation, cover your defence costs, and handle third-party claims or settlements that may arise.

General Liability Insurance Wisconsin: Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is also known as data breach insurance. It is a crucial safeguard for your business in Wisconsin in case of a cyberattack or hacking incident. If your customer data is compromised, your cyber liability insurer steps in to assist. They not only help you notify affected customers but also cover expenses. Such as credit monitoring, repairing your damaged reputation, and handling ransom demands.

Wisconsin Business Insurance: Commonly Insured Professions

In Wisconsin, several professions commonly have insurance coverage, including:

  • Lawn care businesses
  •  Accountants
  •  Real estate agents
  •  Contractors
  •  Consultants
  •  Food trucks
  •  Cleaning services
  •  Restaurants
  •  Dry cleaners
  •  Personal trainers
  •  Manufacturers

These professions often seek insurance coverage to ensure protection and mitigate risks associated with their specific industries.

general liability insurance wisconsin

Cost of Wisconsin Business Insurance

Securing business insurance in Wisconsin doesn’t have to be a financial burden. General liability insurance for a Wisconsin business can begin at an affordable starting point, with costs as low as $29 monthly. However, it’s important to note that your actual monthly rates may vary. Several factors come into play, influencing whether your premiums go up or down. These factors include:

  •  Industry: The type of business you operate plays a role in determining insurance costs.
  •  Location: The specific geographic location of your business influences insurance expenses.
  •  Business Duration: The length of time your business has been operating is a factor in calculating insurance costs.
  •  Claims History: The history of claims, including the number and amount, affects insurance expenses.
  •  Policy Limits and Deductibles: The coverage limits and deductibles you choose contribute to the insurance cost.

These are key aspects an insurance agent will consider when evaluating the insurance requirements for your small business.


No, it’s not mandatory, but highly recommended for comprehensive coverage at an affordable price.

Workers’ compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees facing work-related injuries or illnesses.

The cost varies based on factors like industry, location, business duration, claims history, policy details, and the number of employees.

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