window cleaning liability insurance

Protect Your Business with Window Cleaning Liability Insurance: Get Comprehensive Coverage Today!

Tall buildings are reaching for the sky; someone has to clean those windows, and it’s not a job for robots yet. Today, humans are the heroes handling high-rise window cleaning and doing a great job. Now, let’s talk about something important: window cleaning liability insurance. Please stick with me until the end of this post, where we will break down everything you need to know about keeping those window-cleaning superheroes protected.

Window Cleaning Insurance

You might not find something called ‘window cleaning business insurance. It would help if you had business liability insurance; trust me, it’s a big deal. But, if you are running a window cleaning business, that’s not the only insurance you should consider. There are different kinds of insurance you’ll want to ensure you keep your business and your workers safe.

Now, let’s check out the various insurance policies you should have:

  • Business insurance or general liability insurance
  • Worker’s compensation insurance (if you have employees)
  • Disability insurance

Whether you are working on your own or have a team with you, it’s crucial to have insurance. This coverage protects you from property damage, injuries, and lost income. Without this protection, both you and your business could be in danger. So, let’s talk about why window cleaning liability insurance is so important.

window cleaning liability insurance

Insurances that Need Window Cleaning Business

A business insurance policy, also known as a business owner’s policy or BOP, doesn’t just cover liability. It can also protect various other aspects of your business:

General Liability Insurance

Every business owner should have what’s called general liability insurance. It’s like the standard coverage. Sometimes, it’s also called professional liability insurance. This special insurance takes care of your business if someone claims personal injury or property damage because of your work or service. 

Let me give you an example: Imagine cleaning windows on a building ten stories up, and, oops, you accidentally drop a tool that lands on someone’s car below. In this case, your liability coverage pays for the damage. It’s important to note that this insurance doesn’t cover your tools or equipment, just the damages caused by you to someone else. Now, let’s dive into why window cleaning liability insurance is helpful.

Business Income Insurance

This kind of insurance is like a shield for your future earnings. If something like a fire, crazy weather, or a major event happens, and you must close your business for a while, business income insurance steps in. It’s sometimes called business interruption coverage because it helps when something unexpected messes up your business plans. This coverage can handle payroll, utilities, company car payments, mortgage or rent, and even the profits you might lose.

Commercial Property Insurance

This type of insurance is like a superhero for your stuff and the place where you run your business. It doesn’t matter if you’re working from a store, an office, or a home; commercial property insurance has your back. It protects against theft, vandalism, and damage from fire or water. So, let’s say there’s a fire, and your place gets affected. This insurance comes to the rescue, helping you replace things like computers and office furniture.

Commercial Auto Insurance

It’s like a shield for any vehicles you use for your business. Imagine if a car you use for work accidentally causes damage to people or property. This insurance steps in to help out. It covers collisions, property damage, and injuries, not just for your vehicles but also for your employees and yourself. So, if you’ve got trucks or vans dedicated to your window cleaning business, having commercial auto insurance is just as crucial as having insurance for your car.

Workers Compensation Insurance for Window Cleaning Companies

If you have a team, it’s called worker’s compensation insurance. The law says you have to provide this protection for your employees. But here’s the thing: every state has its own rules. So, depending on where you are doing business, you must ensure you have the right amount of “workers comp” coverage per your state’s rules. If someone working for you gets hurt on the job and you don’t have this insurance, it’s not good news. You could lose your business license, be stopped from doing business in your state, and end up with some hefty legal fees. If you don’t have employees, that’s a different story. Let’s link this up with why window cleaning liability insurance is necessary for your business.

You might not need the regular workers’ compensation policy if you’re a solo worker, but sometimes bring in independent contractors without insurance. Instead, you could use a workers’ compensation ghost policy. This isn’t exactly full-blown insurance; it’s more like a way to prove you’ve got coverage. 

window cleaning liability insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance for Window Cleaning Companies

If you have a team, it’s called worker’s compensation insurance. The law says you have to provide this protection for your employees. But here’s the thing: every state has its own rules. So, depending on where you are doing business, you must ensure you have the right amount of “workers comp” coverage per your state’s rules. If someone working for you gets hurt on the job and you don’t have this insurance, it’s not good news. You could lose your business license, be stopped from doing business in your state, and end up with some hefty legal fees. If you don’t have employees, that’s a different story. Let’s link this up with why window cleaning liability insurance is necessary for your business.

You might not need the regular workers’ compensation policy if you’re a solo worker, but sometimes bring in independent contractors without insurance. Instead, you could use a workers’ compensation ghost policy. This isn’t exactly full-blown insurance; it’s more like a way to prove you’ve got coverage. 

Window Cleaning Companies Should Provide Disability Insurance

Especially for window workers who do their job high up in the sky: disability insurance. Workers’ comp takes care of medical bills if you get hurt while working, but disability insurance is an extra layer of protection. It helps with your income if you can’t work due to an injury or illness, even if it didn’t happen on the job. And for window washers, this kind of coverage is super crucial, considering the heights they work at. Let’s tie this in with why window cleaning liability insurance is a smart move for your business.

Here’s why:

  • A slight back problem could hinder you or an employee from wearing a safety harness.
  • A hand injury might make using the necessary equipment for cleaning oversized windows impossible.
  • A leg or foot injury could prevent you from safely climbing a ladder.

You need to be physically fit when doing physical work, but if you lose that capability. Your income could go out the window unless you have disability insurance. This is a big deal for business owners, independent contractors, and employees. Because disability insurance makes sure you still get some of your pay while recovering from an injury. It’s like a safety net for your income.

Disability Insurance Is an Employee Perk

Adding disability insurance to your employee benefits package is a great move. It’s a cool bonus to help you bring in and keep awesome talent, especially in a competitive business like yours. Now, here’s the thing: some folks think that if they can’t work due to a disability, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) will have their back. But, for most people, that’s not the case. Let’s link this to why window cleaning liability insurance is crucial to keeping your business strong.

Check this out: the average Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit 2022 is around $1,358, less than $350 per week. Now, that’s not even close to covering the monthly bills for most households. So, here’s the lesson: you should never count on SSDI benefits as your only income, especially if you’re a small business owner with the potential to earn way more.

Cost of Best Window Cleaning Insurance Cost

Here are the important things to consider when figuring out how much you might need to pay for different insurance policies.

Business Insurance

So, here’s the scoop from the insurance comparison site Insureon: on average, window-cleaning businesses shell out around $650 per year for general liability insurance. But remember, this number can swing quite a bit depending on various factors.

Location Matters: Your state can affect your costs; insurance is pricier in some states.

Type of Coverage: The more protection you are after, the higher the cost.

Additional Coverage: If you add extras like commercial property, auto, or business income insurance, expect your rates to increase.

Workers’ Comp Insurance

The amount you pay for workers’ compensation insurance is directly linked to the number of employees you have. Simply put, the more workers you employ, the higher the cost.

  • State and Location Impact: The state and specific location play a role in determining monthly premiums.
  • Job Risk Level Matters: The nature of the job also affects the cost of workers’ comp insurance.
  • National Average: The monthly cost per employee for workers’ comp insurance is $78.
  • Annual Total: This adds to a yearly total of $936 per employee.

Cleaning windows is more physically risky than jobs like marketing or sales. Unsurprisingly, most window-cleaning businesses might pay more than the national average for insurance. Now, where you do your business is a big deal, too. For instance, in New Jersey, the average yearly cost for each worker’s insurance is around $1,415. On the flip side, in North Dakota, businesses pay an average of $376 per year per worker. Connect this to why window cleaning liability insurance is crucial for your business.

Disability Insurance

Here are some things that influence the price of disability insurance:

  •  Coverage Amount: The higher the coverage amount you need, the more it will cost.
  •  Work Location Matters: Where you do your job influences the insurance cost.
  •  Age Factor: Your age plays a role in determining the insurance premium.
  •  Gender: Gender can also affect the cost of insurance.
  •  Health Conditions: Pre-existing health conditions can impact insurance prices.

When you want to give disability insurance to your employees, you’ve got choices. You can go for a group policy, which is cheaper but less flexible than individual policies. If you choose personal insurance, it’s like having more control. You can pick from various options and customize a policy that suits you. Keep in mind that disability insurance comes with benefit periods and elimination periods, and these play a role in how much you pay for your premium. 

window cleaning liability insurance

You Get Window Cleaning Insurance

If you are searching for insurance, there are different sites online where you can compare prices from various companies. It’s like a quick peek at what’s out there, which is handy for small business owners. But it’s not the only way to get a quote.

Just let them know you need small business insurance, and they can give you a quote. Sometimes, sticking with one provider for multiple policies can save you money. You can also reach out directly to big insurance companies like Progressive. They make things easy and can help customise the policies you need.

Now, it’s smart to gather a few and compare no matter where you get your quotes. Sometimes, going for a slightly more expensive policy is worth it if it gives you way better benefits.

As a window cleaning business, you’ve got choices. Here are the big three:

  •  Business Liability Insurance
  •  Workers’ Compensation Insurance
  •  Disability Insurance


Absolutely. Window cleaning involves physical risk, and liability insurance protects you from potential damages, injuries, and lost income.

On average, window-cleaning businesses pay around $650 per year for general liability insurance. However, costs can vary based on factors like location and coverage types.

Disability insurance is crucial, especially for window cleaners working at heights. It ensures income protection if you’re unable to work due to injury or illness, regardless of whether it happened on the job.

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